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Flexible testing options

to meet program and candidate demands.

Solutions through Innovation

Test Administration

SMT offers the full range of test administration services, including:

Candidate Processing

To allow your staff to concentrate on other important management functions, SMT offers complete candidate processing services. Activities we can perform related to candidate processing and administration include:

  • Candidated handbook and information bulletin development
  • Application and registration packet development
  • Application and registration processing
  • Auditing and eligibility verification of application and registration information
  • Payment processing
  • Exam scheduling
  • Recertification tracking

Computer-based Testing

SMT can provide computer-based testing (CBT) through our corporate affiliate Iso-Quality Testing, Inc. (IQT). IQT is a test administration company specializing in the delivery of CBT exams that are secure, high quality, user-friendly, and reasonably priced. IQT successfully delivers thousands of exams annually at over 300 sites throughout North America and around the world.

Paper and Pencil Testing

SMT staffs an in-house professional printing department to maintain a highly secure, controlled environment for producing secure exam materials. The printing and reproduction equipment are high speed, high capacity digital presses that use the latest technology  to ensure that your exams are printed professionally, correctly, and on time. If necessary, SMT can provide proctors and supervisors and arrange for administration locations.

Alternative Testing Sites

SMT, through IQT, offers tremendous flexibility for web-based testing where there is secure Internet connectivity. This can occur in client-controlled settings such as conferences or in remote areas where SMT can provide proctors and supervisors and arrange for administration locations.

Practice Exams

SMT can provide web-based practice exams to familiarize and prepare candidates for their actual testing experience.

Score Reporting

SMT's Client Portal is a real-time gateway securely accessible by our clients over the Internet via a web browser. The Client Portal gives you access to candidate registration and score information at any time, from any place.

Self Publishing

SMT's Test Development Center (TDC), our proprietary state-of-the art web-based system for item banking and item and exam form development, allow clients the ability to self-publish both practice and regular exams, if costs or budgets are problematic.